The first film adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s classic novel about a land where prehistoric creatures still roam. While this old silent movie is a far cry from Jurassic Park, the stop-motion photography and special effects were incredibly innovative in 1925! The story opens on reporter Edward Malone, who wants to marry Gladys Hungerford. Gladys, however, only wants to marry a man of great deeds. So Malone, having asked his editor for an adventuresome assignment, is given the task of interviewing Professor Challenger, who is planning an expedition to a “lost world.” He accompanies the Challenger team to South America where, on a great plateau, they find a prehistoric world occupied by dinosaurs and ape-like men. They barely escape with their lives, but manage to bring a brontosaurus back to London. The beast breaks out and terrorizes the city before crashing through London bridge and swimming out towards the ocean and freedom.
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